Hey mama, I’m Jess!

I’m a small town wife and mama carrying around her favourite Disney mug filled with coffee chasing after a super active toddler. Don’t be shocked if you see me sipping on a g+t it’s my second go-to beverage 😉

I’ve had those nights where your little one wakes every time you lay them down and you are so sleep deprived you feel like you can’t make it through the day.

If I can leave you with one piece of hope; it will get better, it may not be tomorrow or the day after but there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

When I work with families I’m always giving them these words of advice:

“You know your baby best!” and

“You cannot give from an empty cup”

We cannot be the best versions of ourselves when we are depleted. Through gentle shifts and incorporating self-care practices together we can achieve your goals.

Remember, You’ve got this Mama!

Why I do, what I do.

Why I do, what I do. ⋒


When I was at my lowest, so sleep deprived I was barely making it through the day, searching for a glimpse of hope my husband suggested we sleep train. He was met with a straight up NO! I knew there had to be another way!And honestly I was going to keep doing what we were doing over taking that route.

Then along came Isla Grace and like minded Mama’s and I felt a little more at ease. I soon enrolled in the Infant Sleep and Well-being Certification, I wanted to learn and give myself the tools to be able to support my son holistically.

After completing my certification I knew I had a gift that I could share with others Mama’s alike.

A space of no judgment no matter what life has looked like previously because there’s thing’s I have done that now I know different I would do differently.

“You don’t know what you don’t know!”

I’m here to be your hype woman.

Let’s go Team Mama!

My Well-Rested Approach:

This approach to looking at infant sleep is focused on building connected relationships, supporting the natural progression of development, giving parents an understanding of what normal baby sleep looks like and empowers parents to believe in and follow their instincts and make changes from this space.

  • My goal is to see the whole family, to understand your unique circumstances and get to know the whole family. From here, I can tell you what I see, and closely listen to you as you express your concerns, which will help me form ideas on how I can support you, based on your goals, and my observations.

    • respect and nurture the attachment system

    • support the natural progression of development

    • give you an understanding of what “normal” baby sleep looks like

    • encourage you to believe in yourself and to follow your own instincts

    • empower you to make changes to improve the quality of your baby’s sleep.

This level of confidence only comes from your version of success, not a one size fits all program.

You need a personalised plan that encompasses yours and your families needs so that you can feel rested and enjoy every special moment.